Il partito dadaista ha bisogno di un portavoce ufficiale. Dato che siamo appena al principio si e’ pensato di nominare il sito di risposte automatiche Parla solo inglese ma pazienza, si trovera’ bene in un mondo politico pieno di: question time, social housing, bipartisan, welfare, fiscal drag, insider trading, antitrust, class action e spoiling system. Questa e’ la sua prima intervista ed e’ evidente a tutti che siamo di fronte ad un genio.
Q: What time is it?
Maybe is time to panic.
Q: What is Dadaism?
Dadaism is a modernistic trend
Q:How many members has the dadaist party?
Take a galaxy of mashed pop-indie-folk-jazz-ska-punk; add face-painting, mask-making, free badges, jumble sales, sex slaves, massage, Dadaist party games; toss in liberal amounts of ball crunching toe-tapping live music, throw in a roller disco and puree for four days of Par-tay
Q: What is the political programme of the Dadaist party?
The Wolfsonian-Florida International University will mount a fully automated/robotic orchestration of the then-scandalous 1924 Ballet mecanique , the most notorious lost musical composition of the twentieth century, which was both hailed and hated upon its debut.
Q: Will the dadaist party run in the next political elections?
Not that I think Hillary will ultimately represent a state she knows little about in Washington, DC; it’s just that in the next 18 months New Yorkers are going to see so damned much of her.
Q: Do you really think that the dadaist party is necessary in Italy?
Throughout his Cantos , Ezra Pound (1885-1972) interlaces his text with allusions to obscure events in history and to minor writers whose names are thoroughly unfamiliar to most readers. In part, Pound thought that the minutiae of history - the backroom conversation recorded in a memoir, the telling epistle of an Italian soldier-prince - reveal the true circumstances behind a larger, more public event.
Q: Who does lead the Dadaist party?
This article repeats many of the charges made against English modernism, suggesting, again, that the dadaist explosion itself was a necessary and needful development of the genuinely modernist sensibility of European literature: this comes dangerously near to asserting both that the world is basically absurd in the deepest nihilistic (and metaphysical) sense, and that Dadaism is therefore the artist’s only adequate or true response
Q: How do you feel being a dadaist?
Jamais, as I read your comment about us being a Dadaist consultancy, I suddenly recalled the piece on Stewart Home in The Reality Studio section of Future Frequencies and the fun, but insane encounters I have always had with him
Q: What is the official position of the dadaist party on abortion?
I voted Reagan, Bush, Dole, Bush W twice and I really want change and some one with vision and hope for the future and Obama is the right person at the right time.
Q: Did you like the interview?
I am glad several of you liked the interview and I look forward to many more.